RoundUp For Savings

Our RoundUp for Savings works as an automatic savings account. Debit card purchase “round-ups” are accumulated and transferred daily from your checking account to your savings/main share account.
For example, spend $6.50 at your favorite local coffee shop and the debit charge will be “rounded-up” to $7.00. The difference of $0.50 automatically goes into your designated savings account. A penny saved is a penny earned, and with Colorado Credit Union’s RoundUp for Savings, your pennies can help you reach your savings goals.
- Allows you to have each of your transactions rounded up to the nearest dollar with that difference then deposited into your CCU savings account of your choice.
- RoundUp for Savings can be created, modified, or canceled at any time.
- If you have multiple checking accounts, you can enroll into RoundUp for Savings on one or more of your checking accounts.
- Available for all current and new members with a checking account.
- The checking account must have at least one debit card tied to it.
Already have an account? Call 303.978.2274 to enroll today. Or enroll at account opening.
RoundUp for Savings is part of Colorado Credit Union’s commitment to promoting thrift among our members. It is also a component of our Young Adult Financial Literacy program, which was developed to encourage responsible spending and savings habits among young adults.
Please Note: If there is not enough funds in the account to complete the roundup, the account will NOT be overdrawn. The roundup process will NOT take place.